“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation about illnesses that affect not only individuals, but their families as well.”
― Glenn Close
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
or 988
Crisis Text Line
text "BRAVE" to 741-741
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Hopeline Network
Self-Harm Hotline
American Association of Poison Control
Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line
National Crisis Line, Anorexia and Bulimia
GLBT Hotline
The Trans Lifeline
7 Cups offers online support groups, chat rooms, and forums for members to share their feelings, experiences and gain peer support.
Great for: Friends and family supporting someone, online/virtual support, a place to start
This is an organization based in Massachusetts with multiple locations, but has some great information about addiction and PTSD.
Great for: Addiction and substance abuse information, co-occurring conditions, PTSD
This is an organization based in Winchester, VA, but has some great information and online resources.
Great for: Addiction and substance abuse information, co-occurring conditions, links between suicide and other mental health conditions
Lifeline Chat is a service of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, connecting individuals with counselors for emotional support and other services via web chat.
Great for: Online support, starting your journey, anonymous